Top 25+ Bad Cibil Loan App List for Personal Loan

What does Bad CIBIL mean?

A “Bad CIBIL” typically refers to a low credit score as reported by Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited (CIBIL) or similar credit bureaus in other countries. CIBIL scores range from 300 to 900, with higher scores indicating better creditworthiness.

A low CIBIL score can result from factors such as late payments, defaults, high credit utilization, or a history of bankruptcy. This score influences lenders’ decisions when approving loans or credit cards, and individuals with a “Bad CIBIL” may find it challenging to secure credit at favorable terms.

Improving a low CIBIL score involves timely payments, reducing outstanding debts, and maintaining a healthy credit mix. Regularly monitoring and understanding your credit report is crucial for financial health.

Bad Cibil Loan App List

One of the most important things these days is to have a good credit score. It can affect the financial condition of any person and make them avail good or bad loan opportunities. We will share the list of Bad Cibil Loan App List and suggest you to be careful.

Bad Cibil Score Loan AppsInterest Rate
mPokket0% – 4% p.m.
LazyPay16% – 32% p.a.
Money View16% – 39% p.a.
Bajaj Finserv12% – 34% p.a.
Home Credit18% – 56% p.a.
SmartCoinUpto 30% 
CASHeUpto 30.42%
NIRA24% – 36%
KreditBeeUpto 29.95%
PaySense16% – 36% p.a.
MoneyTap13% p.a.
PayMeIndia18% – 36% p.a.
DhaniUpto 42% p.a.
Early Salary15% – 40% p.a.
India Lends10.25% – 25% p.a.
Paytm Pay Later10.5% – 485 p.a.
Zest Money3% – 36% p.a.
DigiMoney19% – 34% p.a.
IndusMobile: Digital Banking18% – 39% p.a.
Mystro Loans & Neo Banking App15% – 36% p.a.
Kissht18% p.a. onwards
Prefr18% – 36% p.a.
Fair Money12% – 36% p.a.
Pay With Ring14% – 28% p.a.
Bueno Loans20% – 52% p.a.
Pocketly14% – 39% p.a.
Bajaj Markets14% – 52% p.a.
Indialends10.25% – 25% p.a.


Improving a low CIBIL score requires a systematic approach and financial discipline. Begin by obtaining a copy of your credit report to understand the specific factors contributing to the low score. Addressing these issues is key to improvement.

**Timely Payments: ** Ensure all your credit obligations, such as loan EMIs and credit card bills, are paid on time. Late payments negatively impact your score.

**Reduce Credit Card Balances: ** Aim to decrease credit card balances, as high credit utilization can adversely affect your score. Maintain a balance below 30% of your credit limit.

**Diversify Credit Mix: ** A healthy mix of credit types, including loans and credit cards, can positively influence your score. However, don’t apply for multiple credits simultaneously.

**Rectify Errors: ** Check for inaccuracies in your credit report and dispute any discrepancies with the credit bureau. Correcting errors can boost your score.

**Avoid Settlements: ** Settling for less than the full amount owed may seem tempting, but it reflects negatively on your credit report. Try to repay debts in full.

**Limit New Credit: ** Opening multiple new credit accounts in a short period can be seen as risky behavior. Only apply for credit when necessary.

**Seek Professional Advice: ** If the situation is complex, consider consulting a financial advisor for tailored guidance on improving your creditworthiness.

Consistency in these practices over time, coupled with patience, is crucial for gradual but sustainable improvement in your CIBIL score. Regularly monitor your credit report to track your progress.


Checking your Credit Information Report (CIR) from credit bureaus like CIBIL is crucial for several reasons:

1. **Awareness of Credit Health: **– Reviewing your credit report provides a snapshot of your credit health, including your credit score and credit history.

2. **Detecting Errors: **– Mistakes in your credit report, such as inaccurate payment information or unauthorized accounts, can adversely affect your credit score. Regular checks help identify and correct errors promptly.

3. **Fraud Detection: ** – Monitoring your credit report helps detect any signs of identity theft or fraudulent activity. Unusual account openings or transactions can be early indicators of such issues.

4. **Loan Approval and Interest Rates: **– Lenders use your credit report to assess your creditworthiness when you apply for loans or credit cards. A higher credit score often results in better approval chances and more favorable interest rates.

5. **Negotiating Power: **– A good credit report gives you negotiating power with lenders. A positive credit history may enable you to negotiate lower interest rates or better terms on loans.

6. **Credit Score Improvement: **– Regularly checking your credit report allows you to track your financial habits and work towards improving your credit score over time.

7. **Preventing Surprises: **– Regular checks help you stay informed about your credit status, avoiding any surprises when applying for credit. This knowledge allows you to address issues proactively.

Given these reasons, it’s advisable to check your credit report at least annually or before major financial decisions, such as applying for a mortgage or a significant loan.


Individuals with a low Credit Information Bureau (CIBIL) score may face challenges when seeking traditional loans from banks and financial institutions. However, there are still some types of loans that may be more accessible for individuals with bad credit:

1. **Secured Loans: ** Secured Personal Loans: ** Individuals can offer collateral, such as property, gold, or a fixed deposit, to secure a personal loan. Lenders may be more willing to approve loans with collateral, as it reduces their risk.

2. **Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Lending: ** P2P Personal Loans: ** P2P lending platforms connect borrowers directly with individual lenders. Some P2P lenders may be more flexible with credit requirements, considering other factors like income and repayment capacity.

3. **Payday Loans: ** Short-Term Loans: ** Payday loans are short-term, high-interest loans designed to cover immediate expenses. However, they often come with significantly higher interest rates and should be used cautiously due to their cost.

4. **Loan Against Assets: ** Gold Loans: ** Individuals can pledge gold assets as collateral to secure a loan. These loans often have lower eligibility criteria compared to unsecured loans.

5. **Family and Friends: ** Informal Loans: ** Borrowing from family or friends may be an option if they are willing and able to provide financial assistance. It’s crucial to communicate clearly about repayment terms to avoid strained relationships.

6. **Credit Unions and Community Banks: ** Community-Based Financial Institutions:** Some credit unions or smaller community banks may be more open to working with individuals with lower credit scores, especially if they have a history with the institution.

7. **Online Installment Loans: ** Online Lenders: ** Some online lenders specialize in providing installment loans to individuals with less-than-perfect credit. While interest rates may be higher, these loans offer more extended repayment periods.

8. **Co-Signed Loans: ** Co-Signing with a Guarantor: ** Having a co-signer with a better credit score can increase the chances of loan approval. The co-signer agrees to repay the loan if the primary borrower defaults.

It’s important to note that while these options may be available, individuals with bad credit should exercise caution. High-interest rates and fees are common with loans for bad credit, and careful consideration of the terms and conditions is essential. Additionally, borrowers should focus on improving their creditworthiness over time to access more favorable loan options in the future.

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